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ABWA Tipacon Charter Chapter is looking for eligible applicants to sponsor for consideration of a $2,000 Outright Grant (ORG) from the Stephen Bufton Memorial Education Fund (SBMEF) of the American Business Women’s Association.


The Outright Grant program offers junior level (or higher) college students a scholarship that helps offset costs associated with their college tuition, books and fees. The school must be licensed, accredited, or state approved.


Applicant Eligibility Requirements:

  • The applicant must be a female and a U.S. citizen.

  • ABWA members and non-members may apply for an Outright Grant.

  • The applicant must have completed a minimum of sixty (60) credit hours.

  • The applicant must have achieved a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale.

  • The applicant must be seeking a baccalaureate degree or higher.

  • The applicant must be attending an institution authorized to confer degrees at the baccalaureate level or higher in the United States.

  • The applicant must provide an official transcript, a biographical sketch, and three (3) professional letters of reference dated in the same year as her application.

  • The applicant must provide details on community involvement, awards/recognition, charity/volunteering efforts, and clubs/organization.

  • The applicant must submit all of the required documentation to our Education Chair by 01APR18.

  • Tipacon will select one applicant to be the candidate that will be submitted to the SBMEF Board of Trustees for consideration. This candidate will be notified by our Education Chair by 01MAY18. This applicant must complete the SBMEF online application on or before 01JUN18.

  • All ORG applications for each district will be pooled together and reviewed by the Board of Trustees.

  • Scholarship recipient will be notified in JULY 2018.


Eligible Women Interested in Applying for the Grant:

Send an email with “ABWA Tipacon Outright Grant (ORG)” and your name in the subject line.


To be considered, include all of the following information in the body of the email –

Your name, email address, phone number, mailing address, GPA, credit hours completed and name of the school you are attending. Attach your official transcript, biographical sketch, three letters of reference, and details on your community involvement, awards/recognition, charity/volunteering efforts, and clubs/organizations that you belong to.


Send email to Tipacon’s Education Chair:


Additional Information:

Each scholarship awarded is for one academic year only and is not renewable. 


Scholarship checks are made payable to the educational institution and the applicant jointly. Checks must be cashed within six months from the date of issuance. Checks not deposited after six months will not be reissued and the money will be returned to the SBMEF general fund.


No applicant is guaranteed a scholarship. An applicant may NOT apply for more than one ORG in the same award year.  The SBMEF Board of Trustees serves as the selection board for awarding all scholarships.

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