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As we celebrate our 70th Anniversary, we have chosen ALL Tipacon members as Women of the Year!
Thank you for paving the way for the rest of US!

1986 - 1987 District V Vice President
Hello, my name is Janice T.
I am honored to be the first District V Vice President for the Tipacon Charter Chapter.
I remember being on the campaign trail, being led by my Campaign Manager, Karen H. We enjoyed traveling the countryside wearing our signature black and white print dresses. Along the way, we would sing my campaign song, "We're a Grand Ole Group."
One memory that I have while at the 1986/87 National Convention in Los Angeles, CA, my campaign team even made an appearance on the Price Is Right game show!
I made many friends along the way, remembering the entire experience as being wonderful.

1992 - 1993 District V Vice President
Hello, my name is Karen H.
I am the second District V Vice President for the Tipacon Charter Chapter.
Along with my Campaign Manager, Rita B., and the rest of my team, we visited all eleven states within the district. While on the campaign trail, my accommodations were hosted by ABWA members throughout the district. I made friends along the way and even gained clients for my entertainment business! This was the most enriching experience of my life!
Since my career was in the entertainment industry, it was fitting that I sang my campaign song at the 1992/93 ABWA National Convention. As a creative way to get my message out to all of the District V chapters, I recorded my message on a cassette tape and sent it to all chapters. When I was on the board, one of my friends choreographed a dance routine to the musical theme song from "A Chorus Line", One.

1996 - 1997 District V Vice President
Hi, my name is Rita B.
I am the third District V Vice President for the Tipacon Charter Chapter.
While I as campaigning for Karen H., I gained a lot of experience and was encouraged to campaign for the same office three years later.
While I was the District V Vice President, I had the opportunity to represent ABWA and meet the 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton. I was also selected to carry the Olympic Torch on JAN 1st, 2002 for the Salt Lake Winter Olympics.
I believe ABWA is the best organization for all working women to grow both personally and professionally.
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